Photo Credit: New Zealand Herald
"Environmental campaigners disrupting oil exploration off the East Cape are standing in the way of "better jobs and better incomes" for New Zealanders, says Prime Minister John Key" (John Key)
"I think that we should look at tapping our natural resources like coal, gas and oil in a way which minimises any damage to the enviroment (farming probably causes more enivornmental damage!). Althought oil exploration could create jobs on the rigs and associated jobs and industry on the mainland, how much of this new generated wealth will actually flow out of NZ" (User Comments)
"Why shouldn't the new oil be used to run our own cars and industry at cheaper prices rather than be sold on the international market where we have to compete in a spot price market. And will any compensation be given to the local iwi and local community" (User Comments)
"The value to NZ in this is very minimal short term gain. I note National have commented that the mining of this area is "worth the risk", most likely referring to BP's recent diaster in the US. Key has been told by Crosby Textor to use the line that they (Greenpeace) are standing in the way of jobs for New Zealanders. The group that Key is referring to is a very small number of job oppurtunities, who will be paid NZ rates, which according to English are 30% lower than Aussie and that's good for business.The real issue is a continual lack of NZ production and initiative by the Key Government to create production. Handing out an exploration licence for a minimal fee is lazy government. Giving away a precious resource to a foreign owned interest is criminal" (User Comments)
I personally believe we should be investing in more sustainable energy, what are your thoughts??
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Article about protesters and government: